We ship to any address in Canada.
Delivery Time
When you place an order, we will calculate shipping cost and provide estimated delivery dates based on the availability of your item(s) and the shipping options you choose. Shipping transit time will appear at the check-out. After placing your order, you will also see the estimated delivery date in the order summary in “Your Account”.
Calculating Shipping Cost
Shipping cost for orders from depends upon the carrier and transit time you choose. The costs vary from province to province within Canada. When you select the check-out, you will be asked for your address of delivery. At this point we will provide the cost of your shipment. Shipping cost will appear at the bottom of the billing in your shopping cart, if shipping cost is applicable.
Please note that the shipping rates are calculated on either weight or dimension (Whichever is higher). The policies of the shipping companies we use, all weights will be rounded up to the next full pound or kilogram and all dimensions will be rounded up to the next full inch or centimeter.